Alvin Grossblatt was born in El Paso, TX and raised in Los Angeles. He graduated UCLA and earned his MBA at Harvard Business School. After serving in the Navy, Alvin was introduced to a UCLA student named Sonia Baron. He began calling her “Sunny” on their first date (she didn’t like the name at first…)
Al went to work at the Globe Department Store in Los Angeles, and later became President of Beals Fine Furniture. Sunny was an avid tennis player, skier, volunteer and bridge player. She loved to cook for friends in her home.
Sunny and Al were married for 74 years. They raised their family in the Los Angeles area, and later lived in Aspen for several years. Together they shared a love of travel, of family and of helping others through philanthropy.
Rabbi Howard and the Jewish Healing Center were so helpful to Sunny, Al and their family during the difficult times when they were ill. She was always available to make the difficult times easier, whether it was to provide necessary services or to listen and help solve whatever problems arose. We were so lucky to have Rabbi Howard in our lives..